Embracing Diversity in the Workplace

The key to diversity is that we aren’t the same – and this is a good thing. Everybody is different but should be treated with equal dignity and respect. The idea that equality is about treating all people the same is outdated. Instead, diversity is about valuing and embracing our differences, spanning from gender and age to race, disability, religious belief and beyond.

Religious Beliefs

The UK’s population follows a diverse range of religions, including the following.

·          IslamMuslam1.png    Islam

·          Christianity1.png Christianity

·          Buddism1.png Buddhism

·        Hinduism1.pngHinduism

·         Judaism1.png Judaism

·         Sikhlogo1.png Sikhism

But how much do you know about the different cultures and religions that people practice in our society?

Interesting Facts About  Religions

Here are a few starting points.

Christianity is the world’s largest religion with over 2 billion Christians. Christianity is based on the teachings of Jesus Christ (Son of God) in 4 BC. Christians believe that there is only one God – the creator of the whole universe and everything in it.

Islam is the world’s second-largest religion with over 1 billion Muslim followers. Islam is also the second-youngest of all major religions, founded by the prophet Mohammed.

Buddhismfocuses on the teaching of Siddhartha Gautama, the Buddha (known as the enlightened one) in South Nepal. Buddhism now has over 690 million followers, making it the world’s fourth-largest religion.


Hinduism is the third-largest religion with just over 1 billion followers. Originating over 4 thousand years ago, this religion has no founder, no holy book and no place of worship. Hindus believe in a non-gendered creator or supreme spirit who is too complex for humankind to understand.

Judaism has approximately 10–15 million Jewish followers. Judaism was founded in around 2000 BC by Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Jews believe in one God, the creator of the universe who leads his people through prophets.

Sikhism is the world’s fifth-largest religion with 27 million followers. Most followers live in Punjab, Northern India.

Embracing each of these religions – and others – is key to a healthy, diverse work culture. The best way we can open ourselves up to others’ beliefs is to grasp a good understanding of these religions. ETD has developed the Online Equality and Diversity Course to achieve just this.


ETD’s Equality and Diversity Course

You can learn more about diversity, equality and religious beliefs by completing ETD’s Online Equality and Diversity Course . Follow these five simple steps to get started.

·         Create a free company account or single user account, selecting the £12+ VAT payment scheme.

·         Purchase your user accounts using the online Elavon platform.

·         For company accounts, create your user accounts (using unique usernames) and “activate” each user by pressing the “activate” button.

·         Purchase your online training by selecting the courses that you require. Ticking a course will instantly assign it to the user’s account.

·         Once the courses have been assigned, single users can access the course under “my courses”. Company users can log into their account, go to “my courses” and start the training.

If you require any assistance with the online training, then please contact our support team, who will be happy to help.